Hello! If you are a small chested woman and have problems finding the right lingerie for yourself because nothing fits, then please let me say I UNDERSTAND!! Growing up with small boobs was really difficult for me, and for a large part of my life I felt super insecure, ashamed and not feminine because of my body shape. However, after lots of embarrassing stories and internal battles with myself, I have learned to accept and love my body. I have come to realise that I am not the problem, and if there is not enough bras on the market to suit my needs and a smaller build like me, then there is definitely a hole in the market to be filled. I am sick of feeling embarrassing bra shopping experiences, and I want to help people like myself to feel confident and cared for by creating a lingerie brand dedicated petite women with smaller boobs. Please subscribe to my channel. I will be uploading more on this topic shortly!
Watch Video: Finally Lingerie for Petite Women Arrives
By Yue Jia